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Jul 15th, 2020

Stay Home and Write(rs) Group

Every Wednesday from April 2020 until September 2020

A weekly space for writing in community while practicing social distancing. Join online every Wednesday night in April to increase accountability as it relates to your writing practice, whatever that may be.

We’ll come together once a week to connect and engage in the active writing process. Each session will start by sharing intentions, followed by an agreed upon period of time for silent writing, and wrap with reflections about process and plan for the following week. Casual and seasoned writers alike welcome!

If you are interested in registering, send an email to venue@firestorm.coop with the subject line "Writers Group." We will send you a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Community events at our co-op are made possible by generous contributions from our supporters. Click here to learn how you can become a Firestorm Community Sustainer!